Alpha Sennon's hot 10 countdown list on how to be food secure


Alpha Sennon

The main security that the world was/is extremely worried about when the pandemic hit was Toilet Paper Security and Food Security1.

Now that the toilet paper security seems to be under control, Food and Nutrition Security are still threatened.

Here's my hot 10 countdown list below on what you can do as an individual to be food secure and protect your country's food security:

10. 🌱Grow as much food in your back/ side/ front yard as possible or even on your rooftop. This will help you move one step closer to household food security. (If you don't know how, WhatsApp 1-868-382-5780 to join the Plant Yuh Plate Movement).

9.🌱 Start cooking as much LOCAL food as possible. Get your kids acquiring the taste of local veggies, provisions and fruits as much as possible.

8. 🌱If you have excess food at home or excess crops in your garden, don't waste it; give it to someone in need within your community.

7.🌱 Save all your green scrap waste from your kitchen and start developing a compost heap. This will help cut down on the amount of fertilizer you buy. Investigate more traditional methods to use for pests in your garden; e.g., neem, garlic, soapy water, eggshells, etc.

“Make Agriculture your Culture and make Farming charming”

6.🌱Start Saving all your seeds and dry them to start making new seedlings /plants.

5.🌱Visit and support local farmers markets as much as possible.

4.🌱 Get a few plantain and fig suckas (from our Agrikoolture Tings ShUPpe), and a few sweet potato slips and yam head and dasheen plants and chuck it in the ground. (provision will ensure yuh belly FULL). (This point is directly pertaining to Trinidad)

3.🌱. Make Agriculture your Culture and make Farming charming.

2.🌱 Go and volunteer on a community farm near you; if none exist, then use your land to build a community food park.

1.🌱 Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT go back to your LAZY ways after the pandemic has passed. Yes, I said Lazy. If you leave home early and return late, then set up an irrigation system to water your plants. Keep GROWING.

0.🌱STOP EATING FAST FOOD and SAY NO TO FOOD on drugs (imported food)

With Sincerity and honesty

Alpha Sennon is a Tribagonian farmerpreneur, motivational speaker and a creative youth in agriculture advocate. Alpha is the founder of WHYFARM (We Help You-th Farm) a globally recognized and award-winning nonprofit organization established to creatively promote agriculture among children by increasing their awareness of the world’s food problems and by doing so grow the future feeders of 2050.

1The original article appeared in Loop Cayman

Comentarios del blog

Alicia Eifell
Dom, 17/05/2020 - 03:29

Thank you for your passion in sharing these tips. I am working on a making a residential community food Garden for household food security and sharing.

Priscila Henriquez
Lun, 18/05/2020 - 08:37

Excellent tips.
For the nutrition component of food security also consider:
1. Limiting your meat consumption
2. Eating more pulses: beans of all colors, chickpeas, lentils
3. Don´t deep fry anything!
4. Drink more water

Chris Kelshall
Lun, 18/05/2020 - 08:46

This is excellent advice. Love the Article. you can also check out the pilot work on going at Wasamaki Farms Chickland, Freeport. Phenomenal work on self sustainability.

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