Seminar #6: “The post Covid-19 scenario from the perspective of Caribbean countries”. Presentation by James Fletcher, Former Ministry of Energy of Saint Lucia


Seminar #6:
“The post Covid-19 scenario from the perspective of Caribbean countries”.

As part of the cycle of seminars "Reflections on the World and Food Security in LAC post COVID-19", we present the participation of James Fletcher, former Minister of Energy of Saint Lucia.

“The current crisis has demonstrated just how fragile our development agendas are. In 10 Caribbean countries, tourism accounts for more than 25% of the national GDP, while in Eastern Caribbean states, this figure ranges from 30% to over 80%. Tourism is the sector that has been hit the hardest, and it will be one of the slowest ones to recover, which will impact government revenues, employment and families”.


Ver la sesión completa en español en


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